Pastillas de zen instantaneo

octubre 07, 2003


I read somewhere that a strong soul has will, a feeble one has desires.

Which made me ask myself what kind of a soul do i have, i like to think that i have a strong soul, however if you were to look at the last 4 years of life you would think otherwise, well..i don't want to have a feeble soul, is not good for one's insecurities and fears to have a weak soul.

Everyday, i wake up and almost immediately think about the things i'm missing and it's not good. not a good feeling.

however, i can't seem to bring myself to do what i need to do, like get a "real" job, instead of this thing i pretend to do for a living.

fortunatetly i have wonderful friends who help me when i need it, but even them won't help forever.

i regret many many things, and many things i don't regret i probably should.

i need to find me a motivation.

something strong to help this feeble soul.

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