varios otonios ya para mi amigo y broder in arms, abbul abbas albashani..
un abrazo fuerte loco..
octubre 31, 2003
octubre 30, 2003
There is no true meaning to anything
Try not to feel bad, such is life..
you wont always get want you want, realize that and you'll be happy..
fight hard, fight it with all your might..
Muere de pie, en ves de vivir de rodillas..
Un abrazo fuerte a todos los que lo quieran..
gracias por escuchar..
octubre 21, 2003
octubre 14, 2003
Digamos que no hay mucho que pueda hacer al respecto
justo cuando creo que ya no me sucedera, sonrio cuando algo me recuerda de ti.
ni siquiera me ayuda el que me digas lo que debo de hacer, que debo dejar de hacerle al loco, no encuentro el interruptor que dice 'turn this to stop loving'
como dice el Guero
"ni modo, ya te chingaste"
octubre 07, 2003
I read somewhere that a strong soul has will, a feeble one has desires.
Which made me ask myself what kind of a soul do i have, i like to think that i have a strong soul, however if you were to look at the last 4 years of life you would think otherwise, well..i don't want to have a feeble soul, is not good for one's insecurities and fears to have a weak soul.
Everyday, i wake up and almost immediately think about the things i'm missing and it's not good. not a good feeling.
however, i can't seem to bring myself to do what i need to do, like get a "real" job, instead of this thing i pretend to do for a living.
fortunatetly i have wonderful friends who help me when i need it, but even them won't help forever.
i regret many many things, and many things i don't regret i probably should.
i need to find me a motivation.
something strong to help this feeble soul.
octubre 05, 2003
Se que soy nada mas que menos de lo que podria ser..
me resisto a empujarte a otro juego de azar.
necesito tener amarrados los pies..
octubre 02, 2003
hoy a eso del mediodia se fue volando lo ultimo que tenia de confianza en amistades largas..
una decepcion que no habia querido aceptar.
gracias, have a nice life.